Thursday, January 14, 2010

Acting as a reaction!

For 13 years every February, students are having a blast and putting smiles on children's faces at the same time: the 4L Trophy. That's a charity rally reserved to students; it starts from France, crossing Spain, all the way to the Moroccan dessert.All that adventure lasts ten days. The cars allowed are the famous 4L; it’s the Luxury version of Renault 4 (produced between '61 and '92). Amazingly, some still hit the road :) the students bring with them a precious load, books, notebooks, pens and pencils, backpacks and sport articles, all as a donation for kids living in one of the poorest regions of Morocco.

This year, we're crossing fingers for Marguerite :) That's how my colleagues, Quentin and Alexandre, named their baby. Together they are RoadSIEC, a winning trio I might add. If any of you wants to make a donation, you know how to reach me (e.g. leave a comment :) ).

Good luck, guys,
One of you.

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